Favourite short stories and novelettes

A bit of effort is needed to keep track of short stories, as the good ones tend to be buried in the same volume as a bunch of not-so-good ones, and can easily be forgotten. These are from my own collection; they are mostly sf, and mostly rather old by sf standards.

indicates a single-author volume
indicates a multi-author volume
indicates a single-story e-book file
[hugo] indicates that the story was nominated for an award

S M StirlingA slip in time2014   Multiverse: Exploring the worlds of Poul Anderson
Ken MacLeodSidewinders2010 The mammoth book of alternate histories
John VarleyIn the hall of the Martian kings1977 Magazine of F and SF Feb 1977
Arthur Jean CoxAn occurrence at the Owl Creek Rest Home  1976 Science fiction discoveries
Joan D & Vernor VingeThe peddler’s apprentice1975 The collected stories of Vernor Vinge
P J PlaugerChild of all ages [hugo, nebula]1975 Nebula Award stories 11
The best science fiction of the year #5
Child of all ages
Joanna RussThe experimenter1975 The best from Galaxy vol. IV
Harry HarrisonRun from the fire1975 Epoch
F M BusbyIf this is Winnetka, you must be Judy1974 Best science fiction stories of the year #4
Larry NivenThe fourth profession1971 A hole in space
Larry NivenFor a foggy night1971 All the myriad ways
Harry HarrisonThe wicked flee1970 The best of Harry Harrison
Larry NivenNot long before the end [hugo, nebula]1969 All the myriad ways
Nebula Award stories 5
J F BoneOn the fourth planet1963 The best of science fiction 9
(Project Gutenberg)
Walt & Leigh Richmond  Poppa needs shorts1963 The best of science fiction 9
(Project Gutenberg)
Colin KappLambda I1962 Lambda 1 and other stories
Philip E HighRoutine exercise1961 Lambda 1 and other stories
John WyndhamOdd1961 Consider her ways and others
John WyndhamStitch in time1961 Consider her ways and others
John WyndhamRandom quest1961 Consider her ways and others
Colin KappThe railways up on Cannis1959 The unorthodox engineers
The best of New Worlds
Alfred BesterThe pi man1959 The dark side of the Earth
Damon KnightWhat rough beast1958 Off centre
Robert SheckleyGhost V1957 The Robert Sheckley omnibus
Mack ReynoldsCompounded interest1956 SF the best of the best part one
Robert SheckleyBad medicine1956 The Robert Sheckley omnibus
Pilgrimage to Earth
(Project Gutenberg)
Eric Frank RussellDiabologic1955 Connoisseur’s science fiction
Poul AndersonDelenda est1955 Time patrol
Poul AndersonTime patrol1955 Time patrol
Philip K DickWar veteran1955 The preserving machine and other stories
Eric Frank RussellThe Waitabits1955 The time traveler’s almanac
Robert SheckleyA ticket to Tranai1955 The Robert Sheckley omnibus
Robert AbernathyPyramid1954 The Penguin science fiction omnibus (1973)
Damon KnightBabel II1953 The best of Damon Knight
Damon KnightFour in one1953 In deep
Philip K DickBeyond lies the wub1952 The preserving machine and other stories
(Project Gutenberg)
Eric Frank RussellAnd then there were none1951 The great explosion
H B FyfeProtected species1951 The Penguin science fiction omnibus (1973, 2007)
Anthony BoucherThe quest for St Aquin1951 The golden age of science fiction
Alfred BesterOf time and Third Avenue1951 Starburst
A century of science fiction
Arthur C ClarkeSecond dawn1951 The best of Arthur C Clarke
A E van VogtEnchanted village1950 Monsters
Howard SchoenfeldBuild up logically1950 The Penguin science fiction omnibus (1973)
James H SchmitzThe second night of summer1950 Agent of Vega and other stories
James H SchmitzThe witches of Karres1949 Toward infinity
H Beam PiperHe walked around the horses1948 Paratime
The golden age of science fiction
(Project Gutenberg)
A E van VogtResurrection1948 Monsters
Toward infinity
Fredric BrownPlacet is a crazy place1946 The Analog anthology #1
Fredric BrownThe waveries [hugo]1945 Connoisseur’s science fiction
SakiSredni Vashtar1911 Sredni Vashtar and other stories
The best of Saki
Rudyard KiplingThe brushwood boy1895 The day’s work